Project Center - Page: 2

Read the article: How to Keep Your Summer Lawn Healthy and Green

How to Keep Your Summer Lawn Healthy and Green

Are weeds, insects and pets taking a toll on your lawn? Are there patches, holes or bare spots breaking up your rich green landscape? How can you keep your summer lawn healthy and green despite all of these obstacles? Relax! There are a few easy steps you can take to restore your lawn, no matter…

Read the article: Lots to LOVE About Woodluxe

Lots to LOVE About Woodluxe

If you loved Arborcoat, you’ll really love Benjamin Moore’s new and improved exterior stain, Woodluxe. Woodluxe’s semi-solid, semi-transparent, and transparent lines are straight penetrating stain – meaning they are more resistant to cracking or peeling from frost/thaw cycles and heavy foot traffic and will last longer.  Under normal conditions, you can expect Woodluxe to last…

Read the article: DIY: Raised Garden Beds are on the Rise!

DIY: Raised Garden Beds are on the Rise!

Spring is here! That means it’s time to start your gardening projects in time to have delicious, fresh veggies and herbs, or a bountiful flower garden all summer long! Not enough space in your backyard for a big vegetable or flower garden? Raised garden beds are the perfect solution for gardeners with limited space! In…

Read the article: Inspired Outdoor Dining

Inspired Outdoor Dining

The deck design you choose will define the way you enjoy your outdoor space for years to come. With the weather warming up and the days growing longer, your friends and family will likely want to stay outside from breakfast through dinnertime! So, don’t forget to include an outdoor dining area in your deck planning…

Read the article: Bring the Outdoors Inside with Marvin<sup>®</sup>

Bring the Outdoors Inside with Marvin®

Marvin introduces more light and airflow into your home. We all know how important sunshine (and good old Vitamin D) are towards maintaining good body and mental health. But did you know that aside from spending time outdoors, you can help bring that lovely sunshine and outdoor feel into your home as well? It’s true,…

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